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Appendix: Airgapped Computer

work in progress

Even if you use Dice and Paper to generate a seed phrase, you will need a computer to manage your private keys (which are generated from a seed phrase). A computer will be needed to sign transactions with your private keys, as well as verify receive addresses. It is recommended to use a dedicated computer -- a computer which is airgapped and well secured.

Airgap Quarantine

An airgapped computer is one with no wireless, no bluetooth, no network connectivity of any kind. In addition to the airgap, a quarantine will help ensure that the private keys will not be exposed. A quarantine is a set of procedures one would follow to ensure that no unauthorized data will flow in or out of this device.

An airgap by itself will not guarantee the security of your private keys (although will greatly help). Sensible quarantine procedures will be necessary to ensure the airgap is never violated and that the risk of hardware exploits are minimized.

While any device can be used, here are some recommendations,

Raspberry Pi Zero (recommended)

The RPi Zero has no wifi and no networking of any kind. The device is so simple that it eliminates most potential hardware vulnerabilities. E.g., if you're worried about data leakage through discreet fan noise variation, well, the RPi Zero doesn't have a fan.

downside: you must provide your own KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) peripherals which may have their own vulnerabilities, and you may end up with a sort of Frankenstein computer (duct taped together)

Laptop or Desktop

With some effort it's possible to take an existing laptop or desktop and simply remove the wifi card and all built-in networking devices.

downside: not all computers allow for this kind of customization, and honestly even an older model laptop is probably more powerful than what you'll need for managing Bitcoin keys. And in general, the more hardware features, the more potential security concerns. Simpler is better.

Ideal Seed-signer

The ideal cold-storage computer simply doesn't exist.

If it did, it would have the following attributes,

  1. smartphone-like device, or mini-laptop
  2. no built-in storage, MicroSD only (for the OS and software)
  3. open source hardware (with firmware verification and supply chain safeguards)
  4. completely air-gapped (no fan, no speaker, no microphone, QR-code reader only)
  5. read-only filesystem by default (option for persisting an encrypted volume)
  6. should run Linux
  7. should run electrum, python, and a terminal
  8. isolated electronic and physical counter-measures (to surveillance)

All software and configuration should be on the MicroSD (like a Raspberry Pi) but with an optional tamper-proof seal such that seed phrases could only be generated after sealing the MicroSD in place.


A minimal Debian install is recommended, the bare minimum needed for Electrum.

  • Electrum
  • BIP-39 Seed Words
  • custom scripts

Input Device



This is the only data that ever needs to input into our airgapped device. And once signed, this is the only output from our device. This means we must securely read in a PBST, and securely output a signed transaction.

QR Code Reader

You will need a camera to read the QA Code of the PSBT

Micro SD

Alternatively, and this method is tricky to ensure an airgap, you can copy the PSBT from a MicroSD card or USB thumb drive.

Importantly, the same device should NOT be used to transfer the signed transaction back to a networked device -- doing so will violate the quarantine.

Output Device

This is the most sensitive and high-risk part of a Bitcoin transaction, as you must take data from the quarantined device and broadcast it to the Bitcoin network. The risk of breaking the airgap quanrantine is highest here.

QR Code Display

You will need a device with a camera to be in proximity of the airgapped device, this is itself risky, so precautions must be taken (see protocols)

Printed QR Code

If you have a secure printer, one that you know cannot be remotely exploited then you can simply print the QR code of the signed transaction, and then scan that printed QR code later on any trusted Internet connected device. This printer will necessarily be part of the quarantined airgapped computer, and its sole job is to print signed transactions (and nothing more).

Pencil and Paper

If you're extremely paranoid and also patient, you could physically write down the signed transaction and then input it into an Internet-connected device later. This is obviously error prone, and while you will have minimized the risk of breaking the airgap quarantine, you will have maximized risk of error (including sending your Bitcoin to an unrecoverable address).